Legal characteristic of database, the valuation balance of legal protection system are both related to economics. 对数据库的私人产品属性、数据库法律保护的价值平衡等问题的研究,又充分联系经济学知识。
Chinese legal property valuation system and its model 中国法定的房地产估价体系及对应模式
The legal system of securities in some countries regulated the criterion of list-company information disclosure so that the disclosed information could be creditable objectively and its inter valuation could be realized. 为使披露的信息客观上能为投资者所信赖、所使用,实现信息披露的内在价值,各国证券法律制度对上市公司信息披露的标准都作了规定。
Since the issue of the Accounting System for Business Enterprises, the auditors often use the valuation depreciation as the fix assets depreciation preparation in the legal valuation and auditing for enterprises 'reorganization. 《企业会计制度》颁布实施以来,对企业改制发起设立股份有限公司,依法进行资产评估和报表审计过程中,会计师普遍简单以评估师的评估减值数据作为计提固定资产减值准备的依据。
Legal due diligence investigation and non-performing financial assets valuation due process of law. 法律尽职调查与金融不良资产评估此即合宪性、合法性标准。
VAM is a legal valuation adjustment rule agreed by the parties. 对赌协议是协议各方协议约定的估值调整规则,具有合法性。
Fair, reasonable clauses related to constructions disturbance event, provide a legal basis to, valuation and to the behavior of normative both sides, which are conducive to the smooth realization of the goal of construction. 公平、合理地订立工程干扰事件的相关条款,可以为承发包双方分担责任、计价提供法律依据,规范双方的行为,有利于工程建设目标的顺利实现。
"Private Property Rights" is a legal system that closely related to the state administration and social life, which continues being paid close attention and praised the valuation differing all the time through ages. 私有财产权是与国家管理和社会生活密切相关的一种法律制度,古往今来始终受到持续广泛的关注和褒贬不一的评价。
Different types of intellectual property have lots of differences on the legal characteristics, the assessment needs to focus on the differences of legal factors of differents types of IP which makes great changes on the valuation of IP. 知识产权的类型不同,相关知识产权的特征和法律属性存在差异,评估时需要着重注意法律属性差异所导致的对知识产权自身价值的影响。
In the whole process of legal interpretation and application, the executors 'valuation has chances to invade the judgments, because the confirmation of major and minor premises depend on the activeness of judges. 在整个法律解释及适用过程中,执法者的价值判断也有渗入的机会,因为大小前提的决定,法律文意的确定都需要发挥其主观能动性。
This dissertation evaluates the legal security institution of American collective bargaining in terms of primary principles and institutional valuation. 本文从基本原则和制度价值两个方面对美国集体谈判的法律保障制度进行分析和评价。
The factors that have impact on the value of patent can be legal and technical. And various valuation approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages. 影响专利价值有法定和技术两方面的因素,各种专利评估方法都有其优缺点。
Through the implication of the content and the discussion about the legal purpose of property tax, the auther points out that the property tax should be levied by the government according to the valuation of the legal or natural persons 'target real estate. 通过对物业税内涵和征税目的的论述,指出物业税应是国家对拥有房地产的法人或自然人,根据其房地产的评估价值所征收的一种财产税。